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Thanks for the post. I too have been struggling to learn all the technologies and just get overwhelmed at every single little thing you need to know, and all the guides just assume you know most of it. I too have gave up way to much and it's nice to hear your succeeded. I am gonna follow in your footsteps and try to make 2014 my year to learn to code. Planning on following your advice here because its the most down to earth advice I have read in a while that organizes stuff in a good manner.

Thanks for your time and best of luck with your programming future!

yey! cool to hear that im learning the right technologies. I decided to learn how to program at the middle of this year; I chose python over ruby and can't find someone who did the same, I chose it because I would like to explore data mining later on. I'm now learning jquery; at first I thought I needed to learn backbone and angular instead of jquery, but I had this feeling that I needed to learn it first. Good post. Best of luck :)

I teach programming to absolute beginners.

Your post was spot-on and I forwarded it to friends who are trying to learn on their own.

It also contains the best explanation I've heard of why Python is the language for beginners to learn right now ("while mediocre in many ways, it's the only language that has no deal-breakers").

The only objection I have is to the idea of reading documentation to learn a subject. I find that learning without a clear practical objective ("I need to make a class for a monster in my game") is almost useless in comparison to learning /with/ a clear objective. I'd link a good introduction to the concept of a class instead of recommending to read the docs (if there isn't any, tell me, I think I can write one.)


That makes sense. The reason why I just read the docs on OOP is because I was already familiar with the basics of it from having taking AP CS in high school (C++), and CS 101 (Java) in college. In general though, if not for the fact that I mind map everything I read, I would probably forget 90% of the material almost immediately unless I was building something at the same time. But because I'm doing the mind mapping, I find that I'm still able to retain a pretty good working knowledge of what I read even if I haven't used it yet in practice. Obviously when I do try stuff out for the first time there is always going to be some practical knowledge that just has to be learned through experience, so to some extent I am time shifting this part of the learning process until later, but overall I'm pretty happy with my rate of learning.


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