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I came here expecting a future earnings potential breakdown, maybe for undergrad and masters business degrees. Instead, there is a breakdown of a few quotes from textbooks that "may" be used in class. Heck, the business classes that I took for my minor barely relied on books (except economics). That's like judging a CS degree based on the campus computer lab that they don't use.

Nathan - I took a few business classes at my school while earning a CS undergrad degree. Not sure if we used these exact textbooks but the class overall was a joke.

The funny thing - I think I actually got a B- in a marketing class for not memorizing enough random factoids from the book, while breezing through differential calculus with an A.

At least if you're getting an MBA at a decent school, there's much more higher math/finance required.

I would have to agree with Kling on this. From the standpoint of economic growth, once a certain level of basic education is achieved, the ability to innovate and think creatively is far more valuable than much of what is taught in formal education.

I spent over five years working for a Japanese employer and contrasting the cultures proved instructive. Many of my Japanese co-workers told me that their coworkers and country often struggle with innovation. A large part of Japanese education consists of very formal, rote memorization and repetition.

In contrast to American schools, where students are encouraged to ask questions and "think outside the box", Japanese students are taught to respect their sensei and to repeat what he teaches them perfectly. While they learn specific skills (such as mathematics) extremely well, they struggle with much of what we would consider to be entrepreneurial thinking. Unfortunately, this is reinforced by a very rigid business environment that is relatively hostile allowing new businesses to start or old businesses to fail. I believe this has played a large factor in why Japan's economy has been languishing for more than a decade.

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